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01 | Baby-LIN Software
LinWorks Installer (x64) | Version 2.37.1
File name: LinWorks-Installer-x64.zip
Download the newest version of the LinWorks software suite as an easy-to-use installer bundle.
LinWorks Installer (x86) | Version 2.37.1
File name: LinWorks-Installer-x86.zip
Download the newest version of the LinWorks software suite as an easy-to-use installer bundle.
LinWorks Portable (x64) | Version 2.37.1
File name: LinWorks-Portable-x64.zip
Download the newest version of the LinWorks software suite as an portable package without installtion. Please notice: to correctly run, the software requires the BabyLIN driver and the Visual Studio runtime redistributable package to be installed on the target system, both are included in this package for manual installtion.
LinWorks Portable (x86) | Version 2.37.1
File name: LinWorks-Portable-x86.zip
Download the newest version of the LinWorks software suite as an portable package without installtion. Please notice: to correctly run, the software requires the BabyLIN driver and the Visual Studio runtime redistributable package to be installed on the target system, both are included in this package for manual installtion.
BabyLIN library (x86) | Version 10.24.1
File name: BabyLIN-x86.zip
Download the newest version of the BabyLIN library. Please notice: to correctly run, the software requires the BabyLIN driver to be installed windows based systems, which is included in this package.
BabyLIN library (x64) | Version 10.24.1
File name: BabyLIN-x64.zip
Download the newest version of the BabyLIN library. Please notice: to correctly run, the software requires the BabyLIN driver to be installed windows based systems, which is included in this package.
Firmware update package Baby-LIN/-II/-3 (RC/RM/HARP) | 6.24.12
File name: FirmwarePackage-Baby-LIN-Devices.zip
Latest Firmware update package for HARP and all Baby-LIN/-II/-3 devices except Baby-LIN-MB-II. Device detection and firmware selection is done automatically by the new Blprog.exe software. If you are looking for any older version please contact us.
LinWorks Software (Windows XP) | Version 2.31.4
File name: LinWorks-Legacy-WinXP-CD.zip
Latest version of the LINWorks V2 software suite as zip archive. Contains current versions of LINWorks software, Baby-LIN DLL, associated wrappers and Baby-LIN USB drivers as well as data sheets, manuals and program examples. Notice: Last version with Windows XP & Windows Vista Support!
LinWorks Software Manual | Version 1.8
File name: LinWorks_Software_Manual_en.pdf
The LinWorks Software Manual gives a detailed description of how to use our software components. Furthermore, the first steps and the operation of a Baby-LIN device are presented. You will also find useful SDF templates for your applications in the software manual.
V2 Firmware update package Baby-LIN-MB-II | Version 2.0.19
File name: BabyLin-MB-II-V2_SystemUpdate.zip
V2 System update for the Baby-LIN-MB-II. Includes firmware update for LINUX host module and MIF-LIN/MIF-CAN-FD modules. Supports all BabyLIN-MB-II hardware revision (inclusive RevF01).
The archive contains a .upd file for devices until RevE01 and a .upm file for RevF01 up. For further information please read the updated ReadMeFirmwareUpdate.txt file.
BabyLIN Custom USB Driver (Baby-LIN/-II) | Version 6.7.6
File name: BabyLIN-Custom-USB-Driver-V6_7_6_Signed.zip
Includes the USB driver for connecting our Baby-LIN/-II devices to the PC via USB.
Firmware update package Baby-LIN-MB-II (DEPRECATED) | Version 1.14.16
File name: BabyLin-MB-II-SystemUpdate.zip
DEPRECATED - Please use the 'V2 Firmware update package' instead!
System Update Zip for Baby-LIN-MB-II.Includes firmware update for LINUX host module and MIF-LIN/MIF-CAN-FD Sub-CPU modules. Supports all BabyLIN-MB-II until hardware revision E01.
02 | Baby-LIN-3-Single
Getting started guide | Version 1.0
File name: GettingStarted_Baby-LIN-3-Single.pdf
This beginner's guide will take you step-by-step through setting up and updating your Baby-LIN-MB-II and creating your first SDF.
Baby-LIN-3-Single Datasheet | Version 1.0
File name: Datasheet_Baby-LIN-3-Single.pdf
The Baby-LIN Datasheet provides an overview of the possible applications of the Baby-LIN unit and its technical specifications. It also contains all the important ordering information.
Baby-LIN-3-Single Manual | Version 1.0
File name: User_Manual_Baby-LIN-3-Single.pdf
The Baby-LIN- Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
03 | Baby-LIN-3-Dual
Baby-LIN-3-Dual Manual | Version 1.0
File name: User_Manual_Baby-LIN-3-Dual.pdf
The Baby-LIN- Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Getting started guide | Version 1.0
File name: GettingStarted_Baby-LIN-3-Single.pdf
This beginner's guide will take you step-by-step through setting up and updating your Baby-LIN-MB-II and creating your first SDF.
Baby-LIN-3-Dual Datasheet | Version 1.0
File name: Datasheet_Baby-LIN-3-Dual.pdf
The Baby-LIN Datasheet provides an overview of the possible applications of the Baby-LIN unit and its technical specifications. It also contains all the important ordering information.
04 | Baby-LIN-3-RC
Baby-LIN-3-RC Manual | Version 1.0
File name: User_Manual_Baby-LIN-3-RC.pdf
The Baby-LIN- Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-3-RC Datasheet | Version 1.0
File name: Datasheet_Baby-LIN-3-RC.pdf
The Baby-LIN Datasheet provides an overview of the possible applications of the Baby-LIN unit and its technical specifications. It also contains all the important ordering information.
Migration guide | Version 1.2
File name: MigrationGuide_Baby-LIN-3.pdf
This migration guide helps you to migrate your existing Baby-LIN devices to the new generation. It lists the differences between the current and last generations of Baby-LIN devices
05 | Baby-LIN-3-RCplus
Baby-LIN-3-RCplus Manual | Version 1.0
File name: User_Manual_Baby-LIN-3-RCplus.pdf
The Baby-LIN- Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-3-RCplus Datasheet | Version 1.0
File name: Datasheet_Baby-LIN-3-RCplus.pdf
The Baby-LIN Datasheet provides an overview of the possible applications of the Baby-LIN unit and its technical specifications. It also contains all the important ordering information.
Migration guide | Version 1.2
File name: MigrationGuide_Baby-LIN-3.pdf
This migration guide helps you to migrate your existing Baby-LIN devices to the new generation. It lists the differences between the current and last generations of Baby-LIN devices
06 | Baby-LIN-RM-III
Getting started guide | Version 1.3
File name: ApplicationNote-GettingStarted_Baby-LIN-RM-III_en.pdf
This beginner's guide will take you step-by-step through setting up and updating your Baby-LIN-RM-III and creating your first SDF.
Baby-LIN-RM-III Datasheet | Version 1.7
File name: Datasheet_Baby-LIN-RM-III_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-RM-III Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-RM-III User Manual | Version 2.1
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-RM-III_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-RM-III Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
3D-CAD model of Baby-LIN-RM-III | Version 1.1
File name: Baby-LIN-RM-III-B02.step
3D CAD model of Baby-LIN-RM-III in STEP format
EPlan Baby-LIN-RM-III | Version 1.1
File name: EPlan Macro Baby-LIN-RM-III-B02.edz
This EDZ file contains a detailed description of the circuit diagram of the Baby-LIN-RM-III. This allows you to integrate the product quickly and easily into your control cabinet.
07 | Baby-LIN-3-MB
Firmware update package Baby-LIN-3-MB | Version 3.3.1
File name: BabyLin-3-MB_SystemUpdate.zip
System update for the Baby-LIN-3-MB. Includes firmware update for LINUX host module and the integrated submodules.
For further information please read the contained ReadMeFirmwareUpdate.txt file.
Baby-LIN-3-MB Datasheet | Version 1.1
File name: Datasheet_Baby-LIN-3-MB.pdf
The Baby-LIN-3-MB Datasheet provides an overview of the possible applications of the Baby-LIN unit and its technical specifications. It also contains all the important ordering information.
08 | HARP-5
Getting started guide | Version 1.3
File name: ApplicationNote-GettingStarted_HARP-5_en.pdf
This beginner's guide will take you step-by-step through setting up and updating your HARP-5 and creating your first SDF.
HARP GUI control with Buildin macros and system tables | Version 1.00
File name: AppNote-Harp-GUI-Control-with-BuildIn-Macros-and_SystemTables_en.pdf
This application note describes, how the GUI-Elements in HARP SDF menu can be controlled dynamically during SDF execution by using buildin macros and system tables.
HARP-5 Datasheet | Version 2.18
File name: Datasheet_HARP-5_en.pdf
The HARP-5 Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
HARP-5 User Manual | Version 4.0
File name: UserManual_HARP-5_en.pdf
The HARP-5 Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
09 | Baby-LIN-MB-II
Baby-LIN-MB-II User Manual | Version 4.4
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-MB-II_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-MB-II Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Examples for PLC connection | Version 1.0
File name: MB-II-PLC-Ethernet-Connection-Samples.zip
These are examples for Allen Bradley, Beckhoff and Siemens PCLs and how to connect them via ethernet to a Baby-LIN-MB-II. These examples are not from Lipowsky, so we can not support them!
Application Note Baby-LIN-MB-Tool | Version 2.11
File name: ApplicationNote_MB-Tool.pdf
The application note describes the use and functions of the Baby-LIN-MB-Tool. The tool is used to connect, configure and test Baby-LIN-MB devices and the host software.
Getting started guide | Version 1.3
File name: ApplicationNote-GettingStarted_Baby-LIN-MB-II_en.pdf
This beginner's guide will take you step-by-step through setting up and updating your Baby-LIN-MB-II and creating your first SDF.
3D-CAD model of Baby-LIN-MB-II | Version 1.1
File name: Baby-LIN-MB-II-C06.step
3D-CAD model of the Baby-LIN-MB-II in STEP format.
Commissioning SDF on a Baby-LIN-MB-II | Version 1.1
File name: Commissioning-SDF-application-MB-II_en.pdf
This application note provides step-by-step instructions for the successful commissioning of an EOL application on a Baby-LIN-MB-II. This way the interaction with the PLC works without headaches.
EPlan Baby-LIN-MB-II | Version 1.1
File name: EPlan Macro Baby-LIN-MB-II-C06.edz
This EDZ file contains a detailed description of the circuit diagram of the Baby-LIN-MB-II. This allows you to integrate the product quickly and easily into your control cabinet.
10 | Application notes
LIN Basics for beginners (english) | Rev.A
File name: LIN-Basics_for_Beginners-EN.pdf
This presentation will give you a comprehensive insight into how LIN bus communication works and its possible applications in connection with our Baby LIN devices.
Update and download guide | Version 1.2
File name: ApplicationNote-UpdatesAndDownloads_en.pdf
These instructions provide you with a step-by-step explanation of how to update your Baby-LIN unit.
Howto send frames without LIN Header on the LIN interface of Baby-LIN | Version 1.0
File name: AppNote-Protocol-Type-KLine-Raw.zip
This PDF explains how SDF protocols of type KLine Raw can be used to transmit frames without LIN Header on a LIN Interface. A sample SDF is included in Zip file. This can be used for K-Line or similar communications.
Keyboard configuration for Baby-LIN-RC-II | Version 1.1
File name: ApplicationNote-KeyboardConfig_Baby-LIN-RC-II_en.pdf
Due to the membrane keypad, the Baby-LIN-RC-II has further target specific options. This manual provides an overview and introduces the functions using an example SDF.
Unified Diagnostic Services | Version 1.1
File name: ApplicationNote-UDS_en.pdf
The application notes provide a detailed overview with usage examples for the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS).
Stand alone AES-128 based key generation in SDF | Version 1.0
File name: ApplicationNote-BL-Seed2Key-AES128.zip
AES-128 based seed to key algorithms are used in automotive diagnostic applications to allow acces to ECU.
With Baby-LIN firmware 6.23 B5 or later, it's now possible to implement this inside of a SDF configuration.
So, this AES-128 based seed to key method can be used in stand alone mode also, without the need for an extra PC.
11 | Example SDF´s
FID2PID_Conversion.sdf | State 2021-08-20
File name: FID2PID_Conversion.sdf
The example SDF contains the macro functions to convert the Frame Identifiers (FID) into Protected Identifiers (PID) by using tables. A detailed description of the SDF can be found in our software manual.
Logging.sdf | State 2021-08-11
File name: Logging.sdf
Our Baby-LIN devices have the possibility to record and save the entire bus communication during operation. This example SDF shows how logging can be initialised and executed via SDF. A detailed description of the SDF can be found in our software manual.
Handle_Exeption.sdf | State 2021-08-06
File name: Handle_Exeption.sdf
This SDF contains an example of error handling when working with session description files. Possible programme errors are converted into corresponding error messages. A detailed description of the SDF can be found in our software manual.
FunctionKeys.sdf | State 2021-09-30
File name: FunctionKeys.sdf
This example SDF is about the initialisation of the freely programmable membrane keyboard of the Baby-Lin-RC-II and the HARP-5. With the use of input events, different functions can be assigned to the individual keys in the SDF. A detailed description of the SDF can be found in our software manual.
GettingStarted_Example.sdf | State 2021-11-19
File name: GettingStarted_Example.sdf
This SDF contains examples for the first commissioning of your Baby-LIN-Device. These include starting the LIN bus or executing smaller macros. A detailed description of the functions is included in the GettingStarted guides.
AutoAdressing.sdf | State 2021-08-06
File name: AutoAdressing.sdf
The example SDF includes the method Auto Addressing, which assigns all slaves present at the LIN nodes to the master and gives specific addresses to the individual bus participants. A detailed description of the SDF can be found in our software manual.
12 | Archive
Baby-LIN-II Manual | Version 4.0
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-II_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-II Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-RM User Manual | Version 3.6
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-RM_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-RM Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-MB User Manual | Version 3.7
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-MB_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-MB Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-RC User Manual | Version 3.6
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-RC_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-RC Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN-RC-II User Manual | Version 4.0
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-RC-II_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-RC-II Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Baby-LIN Manual | Version 3.6
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN- Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
Getting started guide | Version 1.3
File name: ApplicationNote-GettingStarted_Baby-LIN-RC-II_en.pdf
This beginner's guide will take you step-by-step through setting up and updating your Baby-LIN-RC-II and creating your first SDF.
Baby-LIN-RM-II User Manual | Version 3.6
File name: UserManual_Baby-LIN-RM-II_en.pdf
The Baby-LIN-RM Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
13 | Archive
HARP-4 User Manual | Version 3.6
File name: UserManual_HARP-4_en.pdf
The HARP-4 Manual provides an exact list of the hardware components, such as the PIN and LED assignment of the Baby-LIN unit. You will also find instructions for commissioning.
13 | Certificates and declarations
Statement Return of old devices | V.1.0
File name: Statement-Product-Disposal-Altgeraete-Ruecknahme.pdf
Statement regarding disposal of Lipowsky devices.
RoHS and REACH Declaration of Conformity EU (German) | State 2024-09-06
File name: RoHS_and_REACH_Deklaration_DE.pdf
Declaration that all delivered products comply with the current EU directives.
LINWorksPC Software Statement | State 2021-12-09
File name: LinWorksPC_Software_Statement.pdf
Licence for the use of our LINWorksPC software
RoHS and REACH Declaration of Conformity EU (English) | State 2024-09-06
File name: RoHS_and_REACH_Deklaration_EN.pdf
Declaration that all delivered products comply with the current EU directives.
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate | State 2024-09-15
File name: ISO 9001-2015_en.pdf
Certification of the introduction and application of a quality management system.
Conflict Minerals Policy Statement | State 2012-08-16
File name: ConflictMineralsPolicyStatement_en.pdf
Declarations on the renunciation of the use of minerals and resources from "conflict regions".
LinWorks v2 third party licenses and sources | Version 1.0
File name: ThirdParty_Code_and_Licenses.zip
Contains full text licenses and source code of all used third party libraries and tools used or packaged with the LinWorks v2 application suite.